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Green Spaces in Croydon by Ken Martin

Croydon Council are carrying out a survey of our green spaces in Croydon removed from the Local Plan in 2018 on how our green spaces are used. Alarmingly by zooming in on the map in the attached link it has St John’s Church on the map, particularly the Memorial Garden.

Also other green spaces such as Shirley Recreation Ground and Millers Pond are mentioned.

The Local Plan is used by the Planning Authority to advise on recommended use, so if removed from the Plan then the Authorities can look to change the use of the green space. Particularly as Central Government are urging Local Council to increase their Housing Stock.

Please take 5 mins to click on the link, then on every green space starred that you use, filling in the survey how you use these spaces and what they mean to you. If we ignore these surveys it is feared Croydon Council will use the information that green spaces are not valued, so leaving them open to redevelopment. The survey closes 15th July

Thanks to the Utopians

What a fantastic evening. My very first G&S experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here are a few pictures from this evening.

Next Service 23rd June

God’s love has been poured out into our hearts

through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us

– Romans 5:5

Our next Service of Healing and Wholeness will be this Sunday, 23rd June, at 6pm. Do come and join us, everyone is welcome.

This is a simple, said service, with candles and using a liturgy from the Iona Community. Come and listen and respond to God as we allow the Holy Spirit to bring our prayers of hope and healing into God’s heart of love for all he has made.

Beautiful Flowers

In anticipation of our Festival in September, here are some photographs taken recently at Cambridge Botanical Gardens.

And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

Isaiah 40 verse 5, celebrating the glorious diversity of God in creation

The Utopians land next weekend

Don’t forget that Utopians Unlimited will be performing in the Church next Saturday Night (22 June 2019).

All the proceeds from this will be going to our Spire fund to help with the £100,000 bill we will be paying this year.

There are tickets available on the door but to help with the catering please book them in advance. Details are on our tickets page

Ways to Donate

How to Donate to St John’s

Donate QR Code

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We use any money we receive for a variety of causes, from supporting local people to fixing the church Spire, nothing will be wasted.

The Sending Out

copyright: trinityandhumanity.com

Traditionally, Pentecost is celebrated for a week after Pentecost Sunday, so here are some words from the liturgy as we move forward in the power of the Spirit:

We have celebrated the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ over the powers of sin and death. We have proclaimed God’s mighty acts and we have prayed that the power that was at work when God raised Jesus from the dead might be at work in us.

By the Spirit’s power, may we live out what we proclaim:

by word and example;

by seeking and serving Christ in all people;

by prayer for the world and its leaders;

by defending the weak;

and by pursuing peace and justice in human society.

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