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Informal Worship Sunday 18th August

Wondering what’s on this Sunday evening – thought so!

Here is a glimpse of the praise we will be giving Sunday @ 5pm

Please come along to our informal worship – a light and refreshing service suitable for all, coffee, tea and cake provided to sustain you,

Let’s Unleash St John’s

St John’s are going to Spring Harvest in 2020. Its seems ages away but this gig sells out fast. Imagine worshipping, praising, learning and even having fun with 1000’s of other like minded Christians.

Spring Harvest poster

Don’t fancy this interweb stuff? That’s OK, see Julie Sutton, she and Dave are experienced Spring Harvesters and can give you the low down on what to expect.

Its going to be fantastic – don’t wait! get involved now.

Film voting update

The votes are still coming in. Mamma Mia 2 is now only one vote behind Bohemian Rhapsody and “A Star is Born” has had another vote.

UPDATE 1 August

A flurry of entries have pushed Bohemian Rhapsody way out in front…


fix our spire, image shows holes in the roof.

All the light you can see is holes not spotlights!.

See below the current target versus the amount raised – we have a way to go.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.£102,000Raised £12,800 towards the £102,000 target.£12,800Raised £12,800 towards the £102,000 target.13%

So how can you help? there are many ways

Thanks for reading.

Earth, Sea and Space

The last two Sundays have explored the sea, and space, and our relationship to them; firstly on ‘Sea Sunday’ (14th July) and this Sunday (21st July) at our informal worship, with a discussion about the first moon landing 50 years ago.

Our Sea Sunday revisited some of the hymns that evoke a deep emotional response, such as Eternal Father, Strong to Save, reflecting both our awe and echoes of eternity in those depths. Our intercessions allowed us to express that yearning through the wordless praying of the Holy Spirit, as we helped one another construct origami boats and then silently allowed them to hold and carry our thoughts and intentions towards God. The prayer-boats were blessed and we placed them on the altar during the service.

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers or powers – all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Col 1: 15-17

Informal worship usually includes a short introduction to a topic by the Vicar, followed by around ten minutes of sharing and reflecting together on that theme. In line with the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, we looked at some photographic images and thought about Jesus’ presence in all created things, and in all places. ‘Cosmic Christ’ is way of exploring how Jesus is present whenever and wherever the material and divine co-exist, which the writer Fr Richard Rohr tells us, is “always and everywhere,” and is ultimately to do with “the unification of all things.”

One final prophetic note from our discussions was sounded towards the end, with the Vicar’s last slide and comment: that we as humans leave an indelible footprint on this planet, just as the first footprints on the moon will be there for a million years, with no wind to blow them away. The economic and environmental impact of our consumerism and neglect to conserve and share the earth’s resources is reaching a tipping point. The poor, the vulnerable, and the fragile ecosystems of this planet are the urgent responsibility of all who work for hope, peace and a better world.

And we, who through faith, live and move and have our being in the breath of God, are tasked with and equipped for the ministry of reconciliation, as our slide of Salvador Dali’s Christ of St John of the Cross seems to challenge us to apprehend and embody: a new consciousness, and a new perspective. A new creation – and a new hope.

“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether in earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.” Col 1: 19-20

Informal Worship

This is an all age interactive service held every four weeks on a Sunday afternoon at 5pm. It is a more relaxed service with contemporary worship songs. Each month there is a theme led by one of the ministry team which may involve discussion, meditation, or arts and crafts. Tea, coffee, squash and cake are available throughout the service and there is time at the end to be prayed for if you would like that.

Next informal worship 19th September at 17:00 – In Church

Cinema film vote update

The votes have been coming in. Here is the latest update. After leading from the start Mamma Mia 2 has now dropped into a firm second place having been overtaken by Bohemian Rhapsody

Sunday 21st July

Sunday evening at 5pm we have informal worship.

This service is for those who wish to worship in a more informal style with modern music. The middle section gives time to explore the given topic usually with an interactive element for those that wish to take part. The whole service has a very relaxed approach, there are no “booklets” or “service sheets” to worry about.

This weeks topic is “I am a new creation”

Here is a glimpse of a few of the songs.

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