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Numbrella at the tea room

Numberela is a simple game with some

Simple maths challenges. It’s been proven to help children develop maths skills and also help us older ones more brain active.

Here is Joyce (maths leader), Wendy and Kathering enjoying the game.

Stay tuned for the next date.

2018 Christmas tree festival

What a fantastic weekend we have had. The church looks more amazing than ever decorated with over 30 Christmas trees. We also heard some fantastic music through our the festival. Many thanks to all the organisers, performers and those that came to share it with us.

Here are a few pictures

Mother and baby group

Last Sunday the mother and baby group came to the tea room for afternoon tea and cake. They made decorations for their Christmas tree for the Christmas tree festival. They looked brilliant. We hope they will use us again for more arts and craft.

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