Welcome to St John the Evangelist
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To those using WP Church APP

Due to the website moving its address the app is not working. Everything has been updated ready. To make it all work again you all need to log out / back in to the app.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Welcome to the new Website

We have been working hard behind the scenes to create this new website.

We do hope you can find what you are looking for but if not please use the contact us form and someone will get back to you.

Regards – the Web team @stjohns.

Enjoying the worship

This week some of the songs sang were There is a Redeemer, King of Kings and Shine. We then discussed Psalm 42.

Banana cake, pineapple and scones were enjoyed with our tea and coffee

Numberella Club

A little maths, a little luck, a lot of fun!!

This game helps the very young with their maths and hopefully older folk in their fight against forgetfulness.

Grandparents, parents and children 6 to 12 and beyond any age group welcome…..

Contact Marnix Wells or Joyce Newberry on 07595835510 for more information. We meet in the Sunday afternoon cafe once a month. Hope to see some of you there!!

St John’s Parent and Little Ones

This group is for families who attend St John’s church. We meet at a member’s house, who has the space, usually on a Saturday morning so parents who work in the week can attend. Sometimes on a Sunday afternoon, babies grow quickly and several of our children are now at school!

We have a what’s app group where we can chat and make arrangements to meet.

This group so far has been a very happy and supportive space and we love to welcome new members!

Just contact me Joyce Newberry 07796945940 or Miranda 07796945940, or speak to Lu our Vicar if you are interested in joining!!

Numbrella at the tea room

Numberela is a simple game with some

Simple maths challenges. It’s been proven to help children develop maths skills and also help us older ones more brain active.

Here is Joyce (maths leader), Wendy and Kathering enjoying the game.

Stay tuned for the next date.

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