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Lent Lunch 13th April

Our next and last Lent lunch for this year will be held on Saturday 13th April starting at 12:00.

The menu is Soup, lasagna, quiche, salad and desserts.

This week will be raising funds for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.


Sheila would like to send thanks to all those who donated to the cancer charities recently

Creating Community

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, has just launched a new initiative to address the current housing crisis.

Academics, housing experts and theologians are to meet over an 18-month period to examine how the Church of England can build on its own work in housing and contribute to the national debate on policy.

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Housing, Church and Community will explore a Christian perspective on housing policy with a particular focus on providing good homes – a foundation of equality and justice – and promoting thriving communities. Charlie Arbuthnot, an expert in the financing of social housing, and Chair of the Commission, said at Tuesday’s launch that the Church could make a unique contribution to the debate on housing, offering a distinctive narrative, with a presence in every community, and possessing key assets: “What if through this we could re-empower and reimagine Church?” he asked. The Archbishop of Canterbury expressed his hope that the outcomes of the work would be “imaginative, thoughtful, and radical.”

“As the Church,” he said, “we have one primary motivation: in the words of St Paul, the love of Christ compels us. The example of Jesus draws us on and leads us not just to speak of God’s love, but to demonstrate it by reaching out in compassion to those who are in greatest need.”

Luke’s Gospel on Radio 4

Our Church has been studying Luke’s Gospel during Lent. Starting on Monday, and each day of Holy Week, BBC Radio 4 will be broadcasting Witness: Behind Luke’s Story in which Ernie Rea will explore aspects of the Gospel and Jesus’ teaching. This will be based on a series of 45-minute radio plays by Nick Warburton, first broadcast in 2007.

Find out more about the series by clicking here https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b008hpcx/episodes/guide

Tea room

Hi and welcome to St Johns Tea room page.

The tea room is open every Sunday afternoons between 3.00 – 5.00pm
Pop in for a tea, a cake and a chat in the Tamberlin Room at the back of the church!

The tea room is a donation only place you can come and spend a minute or a whole afternoon.  Any money we do collect is equally distributed between the church and a charity of our choosing.

The current Charity we are supporting is the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. (https://www.royalmarsden.org/ )

The previous charities we have supported are the 

and the Orpheus Centre


Joining in Prayer

God of reconciling hope, as you guided your people in the past, guide us through the uncertainties of the present time and bring us to that place of flourishing where our unity can be restored, the common good served, and all shall be made well. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

  • with thanks to Bishop Christopher for uniting us in this prayer

Numbrella Club

Just to give you an update on the Numberella club from last Sunday.

We had a great session, four of us played the game and grappled with maths. After so many years we had to really work hard to remember what we had just done!! Ha ha. The game is so good for seniors in so many ways, we laughed a lot and no one wanted to stop when Ros won the game with 500 ant coins!! We started with the 1st level game for 6 to 8 year olds!!

Our next club will be Sunday 5th of May in the Tamberlin room at 3.00pm.

Male Voice Choir

Concert at St Johns – Saturday 13th April

Raising funds for Demelza Hospice Care for Children at 7.30pm

For more information on the Demelza Hospice please look at the website https://www.demelza.org.uk/

Tickets £10 include a glass of wine or juice. Available at the door

St John’s parent and baby group

The St John’s Parent and baby group met this Saturday. We had a great session, children had such a good time no one wanted to go home!! We had four mums and one dad with much tea and chat! Lots of healthy snacks. Lucy has offered to hold our next coffee morning, date to be advised…..

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