Its cleaning time – 18th May

Next Saturday (18th May) the church will be opened from 9:00 – 11:00am to allow us all to pitch in and clean it up.

Many hands make light work, so lets see as many people as possible there to help/.

Tuckers Tomatoes

Helen will be selling her Tomato plants after the 10am service tomorrow.

Please come and provide your support

All proceeds to the Spire fund.

Spire Fundraising

The Spire at St Johns is in urgent need of major repair. The “estimate” is currently around £85,000. We are kicking off some fund raising events and here are the first few.

Please add these two dates to your Diary; 22nd June for the Utopians, 6th July for Graham and Jamie.

All tickets available in advance from 07712 006 218 or on the door

Paul to become official

Congratulations to our Church Warden Paul Campbell. Tonight he will officially take an oath to take care of us all and the building.

Clocks & Bells

One of the clocks had stopped so i had my first chance to visit the bell tower.

Loved seeing the bell motors having been proudly produced by a Croydon Engineering company.

Lets all Stand up to Cancer

Please save the 18th May in your diaries.

There will be Coffee and Cake in the Tamberlin room to raise money for Cancer Research UK on the 18th May between 9:30am and 12:30pm

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